Get ready to Give, Share, Glow!

Glow Big Red begins Wednesday from noon to noon on Feb. 12 to Feb. 13. You We wanted to follow up with you to share ways your support can go even further to benefit our students.

Scott Washburn is challenging you with a Dollar-for-Dollar Match for UNL Band Alumni Association. Thanks to Scott Washburn, all gifts will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $1,000. You can find the challenge information on our donation page.

You can also give during the Husker Power Hours for a chance to earn even more!

  • Feb. 12, 3 P.M.- 4 P.M. Group with most donors receives $1,000
  • Feb. 12, 9 P.M.- 10 P.M. Group with most student donors receives $1,000
  • Feb. 13, 9 A.M.- 10 A.M. Group with most faculty and staff donors receives $1,000

You can give anytime, but be sure to make your gift at by noon on Feb. 13.

Show us your love during Glow Big Red when you:

️ GIVE: Make a gift of $5 or more to support the Jack R. Snider Band Alumni Association Scholarship. Your contribution will help build a large new rehearsal space with cutting-edge technology for the Nebraska Bands program.

SHARE: Show your Valentine’s Day love by spreading the word on social media using the hashtag #GlowBigRed.

GLOW: Show others how your HEART GLOWS big for UNL by lighting up your room, home, or business!

Give a gift, get a gift of mittens
Make a gift of $75 or more and the NU Foundation will send you a pair of Husker mittens to show our gratitude for your Husker love.

Help us Glow All In for our CMB students!

Glow Big Red 2025

24 hours of Husker giving. February 12-13, 2025. Glow Big Red.

Show your Husker love — starting now!

Glow Big Red, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s seventh annual giving day, is fast approaching on Feb 12-13, but you can start making a difference now by giving your Glow Big Red gift today!

We need your help! Please join our campaign and help us reach our goal of $5,000 and 35 donors! We need you to tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference.

Get ready to give! On February 12-13, visit and make a donation to us and/or to any of the great participating organizations. All the giving will end at 12 noon on February 13, so make sure to get your gift in on time!

red mittens with Nebraska N logo

An exclusive bonus: when you contribute $75 or more during Glow Big Red, the NU Foundation send you a pair of Husker fleece mittens! It’s our way of saying thanks for your support.

Questions? If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know. Thank you in advance for your generosity to our organization and for helping us keep the spirit of the Cornhusker Marching Band alive and strong!

Cornhusker Marching Band Highlights Concert

It’s show time as the Cornhusker Marching Band Highlights Concert returns to the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Come experience the sights and sounds of the Pride of all Nebraska as they perform halftime shows from the 2024 season, their Pre-game Spectacular and much more! The concert is Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:30 PM.

The UNL Band Alumni Association will be hosting a reception following the concert- all are welcome!

For more details or tickets:

2024 Jack Snider Scholarship Recipients

You can donate any time of year by clicking on the donate button on the right side of our home page or you can go directly to Thank you to all who have donated to this fund. You make it possible to give this gift to these deserving students. Congrats to all three winners!

Jack R. Snider/Band Alumni Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to members of the Cornhusker Marching Band who are non-music majors. Recipients demonstrate leadership (formal or informal), volunteerism and integrity. They are a role model for their section and the band, and exemplify what it means to be the Pride of All Nebraska.

portrait of smiling woman
Addy Ubele

Addy is a Senior Elementary and Special Education major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. At UNL, Addy has been involved with the Cornhusker Marching Band Flagline, Kappa Kappa Psi, Campus Bands, Aspiring Educators, Best Buddies, and the UNL Percussion Club. Addy will also be the Captain of the CMB Flagline for the 2024 season. Outside of her studies and extracurriculars, you will find her either sitting in a coffee shop reading the newest book on the market or hanging out with her friends!

portrait of smiling woman
Makenna Dezort

Makenna is a 2020 graduate of Lincoln Southeast High School where she played flute/piccolo in every ensemble possible. Right now she is working towards a degree in Elementary and Special Education. After graduation, she hopes to work at a Title 1 Elementary School in or near Lincoln while obtaining her Masters in Education Psychology. “Being a part of the Cornhusker Marching Band, Big Red Express, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band has truly meant so much to me. I will forever remember the first time I saw the CMB play at the NSBA competition. At that moment I knew I wanted to be a part of it! Even though I was in my first year of high school marching band and could barely read sheet music, seeing the CMB that night motivated me to set a goal and become the musician and person I am today.”

Faith Rinaldi

Faith is a freshman mellophone player in the Cornhusker Marching Band. She is a psychology major and plans to be a part of the mental health field. Faith says, “I love helping people and giving people hope and a purpose. There are so many lessons I learn everyday from other people and so many of those things I learn in band.  I will carry on the legacy of Jack Snider and hold myself to a high standard throughout my years here. Band has already shown to be such a powerful part of this University and I am proud to be a part of it! Music is the gift that stays with you all of your life.”

2024 Reunion Recap

Thank you for attending the Sept 13-14 reunion weekend- the 50th Anniversary of the BAA!

Almost 300 members of the alumni band joined the 300 members of the Cornhusker Marching Band in a spectacular halftime show, paying homage to some of the top songs of 1974! The combined bands performed “Hooked on a Feeling” by Blue Swede. Fun was had by all, as evidenced by the many posts and photos shared since. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the success of the 50th BAA reunion!

We voted in two new board members at our annual business meeting on Friday night: Jamie Chambers, 1999-2002 Flagline and Tom Montgomery, 1985-1990 trombone. Welcome to the board!

Tom Montgomery
Jamie Chambers

Be on the lookout for the 2025 reunion date sometime between January-April. We will post here, as well as on social media, as soon as we get word from the band department- promise!

Sometime during the week of July 4th is when we usually have our registration page up and ready to go. We will also send an email and post on social media when it goes live, but if you haven’t heard anything by mid-July, feel free to email us at:

Next year, we will continue to have a limited number of seats on the sidelines: 250, so please register early if you want one of those seats. However, we will still offer alums the opportunity to purchase their own ticketed seat in the stands to be able to participate in halftime! That way, we don’t have to limit the number of alumni participating in our reunion on game day.

Stay tuned to our website and social media for the latest updates on all things band. Go Big Red!