Provide us with your name and email to receive news and updates. You’ll be notified when and how to pay dues when our annual registration opens in July. Membership runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.
Check your email for a confirmation message and follow the instructions. Click on the link provided in the email to complete the signup process.
Membership Levels & Rates
Any person who has completed a minimum of one semester in any ensemble of the University of Nebraska Bands Program is eligible to become a member of the Band Alumni Association (BAA). You do not need to be a graduate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
* Not necessarily your first year after graduation.
Membership Benefits
Members of the BAA, have one vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the membership during the Annual Business Meeting which is held during the Reunion Weekend. This meeting gives the Board of Directors a chance to update members on various events held throughout the year in support of the University of Nebraska Bands and for current BAA Members. An update of the BAA financial status (operating and trust funds) is also provided to the membership. Elections are held for board members whose terms have expired.
Current BAA members are eligible to participate in the Reunion Weekend activities and other events sponsored by the BAA throughout the year. They are also eligible to be a part of special committees.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Band Alumni Association memberships are non-refundable.