This past weekend the 2023 Band Awards Reception was held at Memorial Stadium. As a part of the event, the Russ Swanson Outstanding Band Person was awarded to Steffani Nolda. Steffani is a super senior music education major from North Platte, Nebraska. While at UNL, Nolda studied saxophone and was a member of the Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Saxophone Choir. She was also a 5-year member of the Cornhusker Marching Band and is honored to have served as Drum Major for two seasons. Nolda is currently applying to be a music educator in the Lincoln area and plans to continue the Nebraska Band Tradition through the Alumni Association. Congratulations, Steffani!
Thank you our alum, Nathan Nelson with Rooted Woodworking, for the design and creation of our award.
Kappa Kappa Psi-Epsilon Omega Chapter is running a fireworks stand in Omaha (14444 West Center Rd. Omaha, NE) to raise funds for the Tyler Butterfield Memorial Scholarship fund, with a scholarship to be awarded in the Spring 2023. KKΨ is asking alumni for help as they cannot cover all the shifts themselves, especially the overnight shifts.
Setup begins on Monday, June 27. Shifts are 3 hours and run from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sales shifts begin Tuesday, June 28 and end Monday, July 4. Shifts are approximately 3 hours and are from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Overnight watches are for 3 hours beginning Monday, June 27 through Sunday, July 3. Shifts are for 3 hours and run from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Teardown help is also needed on Monday, July 4 starting at 10:00 p.m. and runs until done.
If you and a friend would like to volunteer for a good cause and to hang out with some pretty awesome band nerds, please go to the sign-up sheet online and type your name in the shift spots available. When working, please wear your Band shirt or Nebraska shirt.
Lincoln, NE — On Friday, April 1, the annual Band Awards were held in person for the first time in two years. KKΨ-Epsilon Omega Chapter hosted the awards with some funding assistance from the UNL Band Alumni Association in one of the sky box suites in Memorial Stadium.
The evening began with the student selected awards, followed by the band program awards presented by Doug Bush. The last awards for the evening, the Russ Swanson Outstanding Band Member Awards, were presented by Board of Directors Julie Duensing and Ranelle Maltas. The recipients receive a plaque, $100 and a life membership in the UNL Band Alumni Association.
Ryan Kimball
Ryan Kimball
Ryan graduated in December 2021 with a Bachelor of Music degree focused in percussion performance. They were an active performing member of the UNL Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Symphony Orchestra as well as Nebraska Steel, Steel PANguins, and the Cornhusker Marching Band. As a marching band member, Ryan stood as drumline section leader and snare drum rank leader for three of their five years in the ensemble. Ryan collaborated heavily with other students at UNL and performed on various student composition recitals, Flyover New Music Series concerts, and non-degree credit performances.
Ryan taught percussion at various high schools in the Lincoln/Omaha area including Gretna High School, where they currently instruct the percussion ensemble. In the fall, Ryan will move to Boulder, Colorado where they will pursue a Master’s degree in Music Education from the University of Colorado Boulder.
Alyssa Soppe
Alyssa Soppe
Alyssa Soppe, from Omaha, Nebraska, has been a member of the Cornhusker Marching Band for five years as a member of the percussion section. She will graduate in May of 2022 with majors in Music Education and Spanish and a minor in Educational Psychology. After graduation, Alyssa plans to pursue a career with an emphasis on relationship-building and working with people.
Why did you choose to attend UNL?
As a high schooler, I was really drawn to UNL because of the wonderful experiences I had participating in All-State and Winter Winds. Through these events, I had several experiences to connect meaningfully with professors. I was confident that I’d be welcome at UNL and have strong, positive relationships with the faculty and staff at the school of music. Being from Omaha made UNL far enough away for independence, but close to home when I needed it. Finally, UNL was admittedly extremely generous in their financial aid offer, which made the decision even easier.
What is the first impression you had of the UNL Band/Game?
My first impression of Husker Football came as a first-year member of the CMB! I had never been to a football game before then, even though I grew up in Nebraska. I remember the first game making my head spin and flying by the seat of my pants to get through everything, but also feeling ridiculously cool. Performing for crowds of 90,000 made me feel like a rockstar! I tried so hard to do everything as perfectly as possible because I wanted to live up to the standards my peers in the ensemble had already set as well as uphold the longstanding traditions that were established long before my time. I knew then that I wouldn’t know what to do as a college student without the CMB.
What is a memorable moment with the CMB you’d like to share?
One of my favorite parts of being in the CMB was doing march down every game. I always thought it was so neat that people came and made a path for us, danced with us, cheered for us, sang Band Song, etc. Being a member and performing was a lot of fun, but the most rewarding part of being in the ensemble for me was always interacting with people as a bandsman. One especially memorable example of this was running through the tunnel walk and high fiving all the kids waiting for the players in the tunnel.
How may the scholarship help you?
I’m extremely honored to receive this scholarship, and I plan to use it to help fund my move into my first house with my partner, Josh!
Pictured from left to right: Professor Doug Bush, Julie Duensing, Ryan Kimball, and Ranelle Maltas Not pictured: Alyssa Soppe
The Jack R. Snider Scholarship is awarded to members of the Cornhusker Marching Band who are non-music majors. Recipients demonstrate leadership (formal or informal), volunteerism and integrity. They are a role model for their section and the band, and exemplify what it means to be the Pride of All Nebraska.
Troy Scheer
My name is Troy Scheer and I’m from Gretna, NE. I’m in my fourth year here at UNL and I’m studying Nutrition Science with the hopes of attending nursing school in the next year. I was a member of the Cornhusker Marching Band all four years at UNL and I was the Section Leader for the K-Rank my Junior and Senior years. If there’s one thing being a member of the CMB has taught me, it is that constant determination and passion will always keep me motivated to reach my goals in life.
Troy Scheer, alto saxophone rank leader
Emma Fuller
I am a senior Elementary Education major. This semester, I am student teaching in a 4th grade classroom. I look forward to continuing my career in the field of education after graduating this spring! I was the 2021 Cornhusker Marching Band Flagline Captain. I loved the opportunity to be on the field again and perform for Husker fans! I benefited greatly from my time in the band by learning leadership skills and time management, and by making lifelong friends. Go Big Red!
Emma Fuller, color guard captain
The Jack R. Snider Freshman Scholarship, created in 2020, is presented to a freshman band member based on the student’s financial need.
Abraham Cervantes Garcia, freshman
Going into University I knew that I wanted to join the Cornhusker Marching Band because I knew that it would greatly enrich my experience. Being a commuter student makes it hard to meet new people on campus so by getting involved I knew that I would be able to meet others with similar interests. Once I made it into the marching band, I found that everyone was very kind and that there was a strong sense of community between members and faculty. Becoming a member of the marching band allowed me to meet and learn from so many people and that is something that I will always be grateful for.
Abraham Cervantes Garcia, clarinet
You can donate any time of year by clicking on the donate button on the right hand side of our home web page or you can go directly to Thank you to all who have donated to this fund. You make it possible to give this gift to these deserving students. Congrats to all three winners!
Even with the fall reunion postponement, the Band Alumni Association continues as a year-round organization supporting the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Band Program. The Jack Snider Alumni Band Association Fund and the Don Lentz Memorial Fund continue to support scholarships, commissions, and guest artist appearances.
Because of your generous support, we are very pleased to announce the new Jack R. Snider Freshman Band Scholarship! This is presented to a freshman band member based on the student’s financial need. As you may or may not know, Jack and Mary Alice helped many band “kids” over the years who needed an occasional financial boost. I know they would be very proud of this new scholarship.
As you consider renewing your UNL Band Alumni Association membership, please visit the “donations” section and support your UNL band program. Your donation makes a positive impact on deserving band students as well as the entire UNL band program!
Bob Snider, BAA Development Officer
Morgan Delaplane, first recipient of the Jack R. Snider Freshman Scholarship
Morgan Delaplane
Hello, my name is Morgan Delaplane, and I am a freshman this year. I am majoring in music education, and my instrument is the trombone! For marching band I play the baritone, which is a fun experience. I am from Kimball Nebraska, which is about five hours away. I live on a farm with my mom, where we raise goats, horses, chickens, dogs, and many more animals! My hobbies are cooking, baking, crafts, and outdoor activities. Being here at UNL is such an amazing experience! For being a big campus, I still get the small town feel. I am honored to work with the professors here, and be a part of the Nebraska marching band! I look forward to what my future holds here at UNL.
Glenna Fulitano and Brianna Juma, recipients of the annual Jack R. Snider Scholarship
Glenna Fulitano
Glenna Fulitano is a rank leader of the CMB Flagline and plays Euphonium. She is a junior majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in International Studies. Glenna comes from Southridge High School in Beaverton, Oregon. Glenna is this year’s Kappa Kappa Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter and the District Vice President.
I always knew that I wanted to go to a state school in the Midwest. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln turned out to have everything that I wanted: A great elementary education program, a marching band with a flagline, and A location that gave opportunities to be close to my extended family.
I hope to move somewhere new after graduation and start teaching right away. I want to travel around the country and experience teaching in other places.
I had never been to a college football game before my first game as a member of the CMB. Only my first game was not really a game. My first game was the rainout game in 2018. It ended up being more fun than I would have thought for a cancelled game. This was when I really knew that the band was just one big family as we sat under the stadium for hours.
My favorite memories in band are the away game trips. The bus rides, although painfully long, are where I met some of my closest friends and really found my home within the band.
As an out of state student, this scholarship will help me to meet the higher tuition costs to continue my experience at UNL. Going to school at UNL and being in the CMB are experiences that I wouldn’t trade for the world and I can not wait to see what these next two years bring.
Brianna Juma
My name is Brianna Juma; I am from Omaha, Nebraska and graduated from Millard West High School. I’m a senior trumpet player and current section leader in the CMB, and I’m studying Nutrition Health Sciences (Dietetics option) with minors in Music and International Studies. I was originally drawn to UNL because of their dietetics program and the marching band, but it has proved to be so much more than that. UNL, especially the CMB, has provided an unwavering sense of community for me the past four years. I’ve grown personally and academically, while making some of my best friends and memories along the way. I’ll never forget my first pregame performance in Memorial Stadium — it was exhilarating to represent the tradition of our university while performing in front of 90,000 people. Though we won’t get to experience this in 2020, I’ve enjoyed spending time with my band friends, along with welcoming and teaching the new members as the trumpet section leader.
After I graduate from the university in May, I plan to attend graduate school to receive a Master’s in Public Health with a focus in nutrition, while also completing rotations to become a Registered Dietitian. This scholarship is not only supporting me academically this year, but it is allowing me to save money for grad school going forward. I am honored to receive a special award like the Jack R. Snider Band Alumni Association Scholarship!