Our alumni have been invited to participate in UNL’s 2024 Homecoming. We are looking for alumni interested in marching/playing in the six-block Homecoming Parade. Please indicate your intent to commit on the Reunion Weekend registration form coming out next week. We need to have enough interest to register our group before Sept 25, 2024. More details will be provided later to those who commit.
Date: Friday, October 4, 2024
Parade: 6:00 p.m. (line up begins at 5:00 p.m.)
Uniform: Same as reunion (red polo/shirt and black shorts/pants, comfortable shoes)
Instruments: Provide your own (flags are provided). We cannot offer instrument rentals for this event.
Cost: FREE if you are a current paid member (dues paid for 2024 or life member)
The parade starts at 14th & R Streets, adjacent to Nebraska Union. The route travels east on R Street, turning north on 16th Street, west on Vine Street, south on 14th Street, west into the East Stadium Loop, following the loop’s path until the parade ends at the Coliseum.
Reunion Registration will be going live by next week!
This year, the Athletic Department is limiting our seats on the sidelines to 250. If you would like one of those seats (which are included with your dues and marching fee), please register early.
However, it’s not all bad news. We can have more than 250 marching on the field and marching down to the stadium! If you register after we have reaching our seating capacity, you can purchase a ticket in the stands and still participate in the day with us. Also, if you’d prefer a better seat than on the sidelines, you can purchase your own football ticket and just join us for half time. You are responsible for your instrument if sitting in the stands.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Friday, August 23rd (same day as the CMB Exhibition, which is at 7:00 p.m.!)
This is the 50 anniversary of the BAA so we have some special things planned! Our merchandise store will be open mid July-August 20 and will have new designs for the 50th.
Please send photos from past alumni events! You can message us through our facebook page or email us at info@nebandalums.org
Our Friday dinner will include a fun presentation, music, and great food. More details to come soon.
Please see the “Reunion weekend” tabs for much more information!
You can donate any time of year by clicking on the donate button on the right side of our home page or you can go directly to go.unl.edu/sniderfund. Thank you to all who have donated to this fund. You make it possible to give this gift to these deserving students. Congrats to all three winners!
Jack R. Snider/Band Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to members of the Cornhusker Marching Band who are non-music majors. Recipients demonstrate leadership (formal or informal), volunteerism and integrity. They are a role model for their section and the band, and exemplify what it means to be the Pride of All Nebraska.
Victoria “Tori” Thomas, piccolo
My name is Tori Thomas and I am deeply honored to have been selected to be a recipient of the Jack Snider/Band Alumni Association Scholarship. Band and music have been near constants in my life and I am proud to serve the musical organizations that I have had the pleasure of being a part of in any way that I can. Being recognized for such a prestigious award within the Cornhusker Marching Band is such an honor for me and I am thankful to have even been considered for this scholarship. As a new alumna of the Cornhusker Marching Band, I am excited to serve the band in a new capacity as I learn more from and about the Band Alumni Association. The history of this band and the overwhelmingly positive impact it has had on tens of thousands of people cannot be overstated and I can’t wait to help out!
Victoria “Tori” Thomas, piccolo. Senior in Secondary Education from Lincoln, Nebraska.
Madison van Ophem, drum major/mellophone
Thank you for the wonderful honor of being a recipient of the Jack R. Snider/Band Alumni Association Scholarship. The generosity of this organization has not gone unnoticed, and I cannot wait to become a member once I graduate from UNL this May. It is an honor to work alongside some of the best musicians in the state, and I am honored to carry on this legacy of excellence as a UNL and CMB alum.
I graduated from Blue Valley High School in Stilwell, KS in 2020, where I marched mellophone and served as a drum major. I came to UNL majoring in Forensic Science with a concentration in Crime Scene Investigation. In my second year, I declared a double major in Biochemistry.
Serving as a rank leader and drum major in the Cornhusker Marching Band has given me multiple opportunities for growth in conflict management, interpersonal skills, and problem solving. I am so fortunate that I have amazing colleagues in the Glenn Korff School of Music that have helped me grow as a musician and a leader. The skills I developed in the CMB will be imperative to my success as a forensic investigator, and I am forever indebted for the love and experience that the CMB has provided me. Thank you all for allowing me to continue to fund my education as I am applying to graduate programs. I am so proud to represent Nebraska Bands and will continue to be for the rest of my life.
Madison van Ophem, drum major/mellophone. Senior in Forensic Science and Biochemistry from Overland Park, Kansas.
Jack R. Snider Freshman Scholarship
This scholarship was created in 2020 and is presented to a freshman band member based on the student’s financial need.
Andrew Moyer, trumpet
As a fledgling member of the Cornhusker Marching Band and Big Red Express, I must admit that this year has been a memorable one. I am a member of the Campus Red Cross, UNL MUNA, NU Meds, MEDLIFE, and the Doctors Without Borders chapter. I also enjoy involving myself as an ambassador of the College of Arts and Sciences and playing intramural soccer. Above all of these commitments, however, the Cornhusker Marching Band and Big Red Express have shone through the brightest. The peers—the family—I met by joining these programs are unmatched; they were the first to introduce me when I came to campus, and they were the ones who stuck through the ups and downs of the season with me. I’m not sure where I’d be without this crucial piece of my postsecondary journey—certainly not where I am now! Finding how devoted Mr. Snider and his son were to the band program was inspiring, and I hope that, in my time at UNL, I will represent them well.
Andrew Moyer, trumpet. Freshman in Biological Sciences from Bennet, Nebraska.
New music building under construction for the Hixon-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. October 19, 2023. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication.
We still need approx. $6,000 to reach the final fundraising goal, so any amount you can send is greatly appreciated! Please read below to find out what your contribution will go towards.
The Nebraska Bands Program has been at the forefront of performance and pedagogy for more than 140 years. We look forward to a new rehearsal space with technology that will enable us to:
Link sections of the Cornhusker Marching Band who are now rehearsing in various spaces to enable full ensemble preparation while indoors.
Share cutting edge rehearsal techniques from our Ensemble Performance Lab with partner ensembles nationwide.
Engage in virtual side-by-side coaching with young bands that cannot afford a trip to the Lincoln campus.
Collaborate with composers worldwide to prepare and premiere new works.
Engage guest artists remotely to share their expertise with our students.
Capture the work of conducting students and enable concurrent voice-over coaching on video.
A mock-up of the future Westbrook Music Building.
The rebuilding of Westbrook Music Building will include a state-of-the-art band rehearsal hall. Jack and Mary Alice Snider left a sizeable amount at the University of Nebraska Foundation earmarked for “costs associated with constructing and equipping the ‘Lentz-Snider’ Hall, Glenn Korff School of Music, Hixson Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.” We need your help to complete the project!
This is a very exciting project that goes way beyond buying chairs and music stands. PLEASE SHARE with other band alumni, friends, family, fans, etc. Remember to ask your employer for a contribution match!
We were given the Louisiana Tech game on Saturday, Sept 23rd! We were told that we will not know the game time until 6-12 days before, but we hope you will be able to join us for a day of fun!
Here is the form for registering online (you can also print a PDF if you need to mail it in!):
New this year- you can add tickets to the Blues Brothers concert at the Lied Center, happening Friday, Sept 22 (the evening before the game)! Tickets MUST be purchased through the registration page and by July 15th!
We are also fundraising for the new band hall! The BAA would LOVE to match your donations up to $6000! Donate to “Other Projects” on the registration page so your donation is matched so our goal of the BAA raising the final $12,000 to complete the project is met!
All registrations for the reunion are due by midnight on Friday, Sept 1– no exceptions- don’t miss out!