Alumni organizations from college bands across the nation have formed a National Association of Alumni Bands to share best practices and provide leadership and coordination for such programs. Leaders from alumni band groups announced the formation of the NAOAB with a mission “to serve as the indispensable advocate and resource for alumni bands across the U.S.” By serving as the flagship association of the highest caliber, the association’s goal is to develop and enhance peer connections to solve issues, develop strategies and provide a conduit for alumni band leaders to learn how to better serve their constituency and members.
Alumni of America’s leading college and university marching bands carry on their premiere collegiate experience in marching band through such alumni associations. The groups not only engender financial support for the current band but also provide an outlet for ongoing performances by alumni musicians.
UNL Band Alumni Association, Inc. is proud to be a member of the new national organization.
“Our vision with NAoAB is to help the leaders in collegiate alumni band programs grow and better understand best practices from other organizations and to help those who want to start their alumni bands, from the ground-level” said Geof Sloan, President and chair of the organizing committee. The organizing committee was formed at the Alumni Band Symposium hosted by the University of Washington Husky Alumni Band in May 2019. During the past year the committee followed a rigorous process of writing the governing documents and bylaws that formally created NAoAB.
Positive Impact
Many alumni bands have already benefited from three national symposia, where 24 Charter Member organizations have shared their successes and experiences.
“The excitement generated from the symposium presentations and roundtables enabled representatives from every attending alumni band organization to return home with energizing ideas to make game-changing contributions to their alumni bands.”
Lee Butts, President Elect of NAoAB
“Thanks to the stories shared at the symposium, we had the most successful Homecoming event in our very young history. We used many of the ideas that you all brought to the symposium and came away with a balance that I then believed we could turn around this year and use to support our student band, the #1 reason for the existence of our band alumni organizations!”
Sarah Eishen, San Diego State University Marching Aztecs Alumni Band
“This organization was there to advise me as I assumed the role of new President of the Clemson University Tiger Band Association. That advice helped me avoid possible missteps as we rapidly grew with our goals.”
Tom Waldrop, newly elected Vice President of NAoAB
“After attending the first symposium in 2015 in Seattle, I couldn’t wait to get back to my next Gator Band Alumni Association Board meeting to relay ideas and stories. Now, I am in a position to share our successes with others.”
Robin Oegerle, newly elected Treasurer of NAoAB
Photos and Biographies of the NAoAB national officers:
To see a complete list of the 24 Charter Members: NAoAB Website–Charter Members
To learn more about the National Association of Alumni Bands: