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Jack R. Snider/Band Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to members of the Cornhusker Marching Band who are non-music majors. Recipients demonstrate leadership (formal or informal), volunteerism and integrity. They are a role model for their section and the band, and exemplify what it means to be the Pride of All Nebraska.

Addy is a Senior Elementary and Special Education major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. At UNL, Addy has been involved with the Cornhusker Marching Band Flagline, Kappa Kappa Psi, Campus Bands, Aspiring Educators, Best Buddies, and the UNL Percussion Club. Addy will also be the Captain of the CMB Flagline for the 2024 season. Outside of her studies and extracurriculars, you will find her either sitting in a coffee shop reading the newest book on the market or hanging out with her friends!

Makenna is a 2020 graduate of Lincoln Southeast High School where she played flute/piccolo in every ensemble possible. Right now she is working towards a degree in Elementary and Special Education. After graduation, she hopes to work at a Title 1 Elementary School in or near Lincoln while obtaining her Masters in Education Psychology. “Being a part of the Cornhusker Marching Band, Big Red Express, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band has truly meant so much to me. I will forever remember the first time I saw the CMB play at the NSBA competition. At that moment I knew I wanted to be a part of it! Even though I was in my first year of high school marching band and could barely read sheet music, seeing the CMB that night motivated me to set a goal and become the musician and person I am today.”

Faith is a freshman mellophone player in the Cornhusker Marching Band. She is a psychology major and plans to be a part of the mental health field. Faith says, “I love helping people and giving people hope and a purpose. There are so many lessons I learn everyday from other people and so many of those things I learn in band. I will carry on the legacy of Jack Snider and hold myself to a high standard throughout my years here. Band has already shown to be such a powerful part of this University and I am proud to be a part of it! Music is the gift that stays with you all of your life.”